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March 13 , 2025
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Ambientium - Fractal Philosophy

 ( Ambientium.com ,  Feb. 2009 )

1. Hadron Era 8:56 2. Star Birthday 10:00 3. Infinitium 8:08 4. Another World part 1 7:28 5. Another World part 2 3:18 6. Europa 8:27 7. Fractal Philosophy 2:20 8. Touch of Light 6:04 9. Home 6:46

Ambientium are Lucie and Lubos hailing from the Czech Republic. This is their first and only release I am aware of and it is a free net release available from Ambientium.com and Kahvi.org. This release shows just how good a lot of the free net releases can be. It sounds spacey and deep with a lot of little psychedelic sounds, nice melodies and sci-fi imagery. It sounds a little like Distant System’s Spiral Empire and could have appeared on Ultimae Records. The production is not quite up to the standard of the aforementioned musicians though, and it would be nice to hear this remastered and have a few things tweaked. Occasionally the intro of a track doesn’t flow well into the rest of it and sometimes the changes in direction are a little abrupt but overall I am very impressed by this album. It has what is more important to me than production- ideas, and great ideas at that. This is a very visual album and while listening to it I am taken on a journey through outer space, passed dust clouds onto alien planets, being abducted by aliens and floating down along the length of a huge spaceship.
This album also has a lot of different styles mixed in together, there is a lot that sounds deep and bassy like many Ultimae albums, there is also a lot of melodic tracks with even some glitchy ones, ambient ones, natural sounds and mechanical sounds and even one track that is a little bit on the cheesy side. Despite all these styles, this is best listened to as a whole as it’s a good journey and better on headphones without any distractions.
The best tracks here are Star Birthday, which to me sounds a bit like Dakini records’ old material. It’s spacey with a slight touch of eastern ethnicity; Infinitum in which the synth work makes me feel like I am standing at the edge of a cliff watching a meteor shower; And Another World Parts 1 & 2 that give me the impression of an alien abduction.

Recomendation:  If you like spacey downtempo music in the style of Ultimae, then be sure to check this out. Don’t expect any excellent mastering though as the mastering and production side is its weak point. It is a free download though, so there is nothing to lose. I’d love to see this remastered & properly released.

Favorite tracks:2-5.

Review by : Abasio

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