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March 13 , 2025
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Altom - Groove Control

 ( Neurobiotics ,  Jul. 2004 )

1. Appetizer 120bpm 2:11 2. Not for Children 145bpm 8:27 3. Spray 145bpm 9:16 4. Groove Control 138>145bpm 8:01 5. Interactive 145bpm 7:58 6. Serotonine 150bpm 8:03 7. Hologram rmx 142bpm 9:20 8. Regulate 145bpm 8:59 9. The Code 145bpm 8:32 10. Beat Breakers 120bpm 6:40

I begin this review stating that I have been waiting for this release with quite the anticipation. Altom's first CD was not my favorite, I felt like something was missing there, but with the ideas were very good. After that release I have been really enjoying Altom's work on several compilations, feeling that they did change what was lacking for me and reached a production level and groove that I dig. I think the title Groove Control is a suiting one for this album, due to the fact is it simply that.
The album begins with a short intro track, lots of ambience and drama the intro sweeps into track 2 Not for children. It is one of the highlights here, very cool build and breaks, I like how everything is balanced here and again, the groove on it as the bass lines keep pumping is the key. Track 3- Spray- is a good track, but I find it a bit mediocre compared to the rest. Track 4- Groove Control- is probably my favorite here; the jump from 138-145 bpm is very cool, along with a nice lead melody and pitch changes that would probably move any dance floor. Tracks 5, 6 do not stand out for me; they are a bit predictable, still enjoyable though. Hologram is a great track to remix. The original is one of Altom's highlights and this one shows the progress they made and the level they have reached. Track 9- The Code- is a must in my opinion in a DJ set, it does some very special tricks including changing the signature and the breaks are excellent! The last track on the album is Altom's take on psy-jazz with what sounds like live saxophone and very groovy percussions and structure; they really display the mix between organic and synthetic sounds... jazz of the future.

Recomendation:  : In terms of production quality this album is top notch, the sounds are very tight, very neat and everything is in perfect arrangement. I wish there was some more variation on the synths as some tracks sound very much alike. I'm waiting to hear where Altom will take their sound from here, after making a splendid sequel.

Review by : Gadi Vered

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