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March 13 , 2025
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Trance!? Something that is in all of us! / by DJ Anoebis

Trance!? Something that is in all of us!
Sit back, relax, and pump up the volume... that’s how you want to feel the trance! Blow out your head, and the heads of your neighbours, parents and friends... Maybe they’ll complain about the “high tech boom boom techno”. But what they, and we often don’t realize is that we are the new generation of a very old tradition! The tradition of trance!

All kinds of trance and trance music always existed, and it will always exist. The whole history is filled with (small) groups of people that wanted to reach a state of higher consciousness, mostly via a state of trance. But what is trance? Websters dictionary defines it as follow:

"Trance is a state of insensibility to external surroundings with partial, but unconscious, retention of function. It may be either self-induced or brought on by hypnosis. A state of profound abstraction due to intense concentration of mind, as in religious contemplation, which may be accompanied by ecstasy, exaltation or (sometimes) hallucination."

This clearly implicates there is more than one way to go in trance. Dance may be the most famous and powerful, but other ways to reach a deep state of trance are: not sleeping for a long time, fever, a lack of oxygen, repeating certain actions or words (like praying) and drug use. The more ways you use to reach the trance, the deeper you will go.

The first evidence of people experiencing trance are old rock carvings (at least 10.000 years old) in Tassili (Algeria), Australia and Trois Frères (France). These carvings show moving (= dancing?) shamans who entered the spirit world and became partly animal. That way they hoped to get the force of the animals! Later on this trance-inducing ritual influenced the ancient Egyptian culture. Their Gods were half human half animal.

This type of tribal dance exists and existed in every culture. Since writing was created, we have many more examples of trance rituals. In Egypt and the Middle East were nights filled with trance dance around 3000 B.C. The ancient Egyptians wanted to please the spirits (Djinns) by a whole night of dance. This ritual is used until today in Arabia.

When the Greek culture became influential (around 500 B.C), trance dance became less important because of their “rational thinking” (note Cicero… “No sane man will dance”). Trance was then reached via other ways, especially via praying and not eating or sleeping for a long time (the ascetic ideals). Many of the famous philosophers in Greece lived like ascetics. Also the bible relates many examples of ascetics living people, praying for days! This was actually something new for Europe around that time. In other parts of the world this way of reaching a deep trance and spiritual enlightenment was already widespread. Buddha did the same in India around 500 B.C and also Saddhus and Faqirs fit in this long ascetic tradition. So it is likely that western monastic and ascetic ideals came from Asia.

VA – Opus Iridium = double CD by Suntrip RecordsIn Europe around 500 A.D the medieval times started. Often pictured as a moment where only religion was important... but what if that religion used trance? Actually it did, many early Saints from Christianity were people that got visions after days of not sleeping, and praying all day! Columbanus, Benedictus and Franciscus of Asisi are some famous followers of that natural state of trance. Also we have evidence that Hildegard Von Bingen (the famous mystic), knew about the hallucinogenic qualities of Datura and Belladonna. “Witches” often used these hallucinogenic plants. After a whole night of dancing around fires on hallucinogens, they often came in touch with the “devil”. It seems like we heard this argument before! “those Goa parties look weird, evil, dangerous!”.

But outside of Europe, the trance movement did not go underground in the period between 500 and 1800 A.D. The Indians in America used many drugs to reach their trance state, peyote, yopo, ayahuasca and mushrooms to name a few. But dance still was the most important way to reach trance. Indians in North America, the Aboriginals, Japanese people and tribes in the jungles all over the world reached their state of trance via trance dance on drums! Besides, the aboriginals used a special meditative kind of painting, dot painting, to go into trance.
Especially since the “golden” 60’s, trance is back in all it forms in the western world, and now that we have our own type of trance-inducing music, it’s clear that we are the new trance generation! Enjoy it...


Written by: Anoebis, Suntrip Records.

Thank you very much...this artical was insparing...
BooM on YOU my friend...and on all of US ...generation of trance....
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cheers joske
nice paper

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hi evry1 who eva is reading my msg i like trance is my life i us to liv in israel and i like to have som friends from israel b4 am gona 4get israeli thanx plzzzzzzzzz write bk
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hei,i(am israely)i been to few of your partys in belgium,and i dont mind your music but i find your concept is a bit to old and bit to wrong.i study spiretualety as a sobject and planing to get more and more serious about quntum fisics and teoretics as sintific way to discribe spiretual world,and the ways it is.
i jsut wanted to mention or ask you a qestion i dont know how deep you intrested in spiretualism,but did you ever considered the fact that some spirits are bad or i would say poses bad character?just like humans do(some people say i do)...
and then qestion what you call a Spirit(Ruah in hebrow)

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Submited by elan-tor
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Hello, thanks for the feedback, the unknown israeli that went to my parties, you can always contact me on my emailaddress :)
It isn't written in the article, but just like you,I studied history and religion for years, and at this moment I am a teacher religion in a high school, so well, it could be interesting if you contacted me with your thoughts :)
Joske (Anoebis)
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Well, this thing is doing weird, the mail: joske_vranken@hotmail.com
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hei,indeed the internet network its one big peace of junk,that is kreated by some powerfreak-junky movment that just can never get enuf power and never will,i also get much problems with it,it kind of rouind my life by my age of 29,and will do more damege to evry one...
i prepose to use skype if you know this program its very easy going most of the times(maibe also couse its used by many comertial big companys its has sort of proerety,alse it would be probably economic crash or some thing like this...)the name on it is prog to find me is Spcing-guild, i made a letter for you but could not send via any of my mails so if u start a skype and add me in i could transfere it to you,and then we can keep intouch if u like:)
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submited by: elna-tor(that israely man)
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this thing indeed doing wierd...
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...dance to trance...
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